The Design Process requires several steps in order to ensure we put all of our analysis, research and creative drive into plans that make a successful landscape. Below is a step-by-step description of this process.
After inquiring about my services I will ask you to complete an intake form that helps you describe your needs and goals for your landscape. These questions will help determine if you are ready to explore a full design process or are in need of a Consultation Package as a jumping off point.
With your intake form in hand we will meet on site to review your design needs and goals by walking through the landscape together. We will get to know each other and share on the spot observations. This typically takes 45 minutes.
If we both agree we would like to move to the next step I will then compile all of your needs/goals and site observations into a Design Proposal that will outline my Scope of Services and Estimated Fees.
Once the Design Proposal is approved we will sign an Agreement to work together and the Full Design Process will begin.
We start with another site visit to take in further site analysis and evaluation of the landscape. Site challenges and opportunities are observed and documented to aid in the design process. This information also helps prepare a Base Map for the property. Some sites require a survey or elevation plan to fully aid the design process. If you do not have this on hand I can assist in acquiring the services needed to provide such a plan.
With our new Base Map a schematic plan is developed that includes Landscape Zones, Circulation, Hardscaping and Planting Schemes. This is then presented to you along with visual inspiration for reference.
Once a direction has been approved of in the Concept Plan Phase the bones of your landscape will be drawn to scale with materials selection and details provided for a Landscape Contractor to work with.
The planting design is then layered over the Hardscape Plan with full specs on plant species, varieties, sizes, water needs and detailed planting notes. Visual guides, along with plant care notes accompany the plan for your reference in the future.
A detailed plan that covers all irrigation needs for the project along with WELO calculations as well as an optional Lighting Plan and Fixture Schedule can also be provided for an additional fee. We typically determine the need for these plans during the Design Proposal Phase.
Once your plans have been fully developed and finalized they can then be sent to Landscape Contractors to review and bid on. I will assist in this process by working directly with the Contractors to make sure they have all the information they need to properly estimate their bid for construction. Some elements in a Landscape Design Plan require outside professional services such as a Structural Engineer to design details for a Pergola. All aspects of a design in need of additional professional services will be identified and outsourced to the appropriate professional.
I will assist in the coordination of your installation process along with your Landscape Contractor and sometimes General Contractor. Regular site visits are made during the construction phase to make sure Plans are being followed correctly, to spray out any details, place plants and troubleshoot as we go.
After your new landscape has been installed I will make two follow up visits during the first year to make sure the plantings are maturing well and the site in general is functioning as planned.