FIELD TRIP: Cactus Loop, Anza Borrego

Having experienced a Super Bloom in Anza Borrego this year was a spectacular experience. Like so many places, one State Park has many faces. Terrain changes dramatically, as does its ecology and plant communities change completely from one mile to the next. Cactus Loop, as it's name implies, was a dry cactus habitat, that at first look appeared to be a subtle landscape of brown and gold. But low and behold there were lots of incredible annuals ready to show off for my camera. Here are just some of the great finds from this hike. 

Teddybear Cholla, Cylindropuntia bigelovii

Teddybear Cholla, Cylindropuntia bigelovii

Bigelow's Moneky Flower, Mimulus bigelovii

Bigelow's Moneky Flower, Mimulus bigelovii

The landscape at first sight. Ocotillo, Fouqueria splendens

The landscape at first sight. Ocotillo, Fouqueria splendens

Katherine Novick