Post Fire Landscape: Atlas Fire Zone along Silverado Trail


There is a short but very steep trail on Silverado Trail in Napa where the Atlas Fire in October completely burned the ridge line right down to the road. There are area of very high burn intensity where, still there is new life emerging. This oak studded, rocky ridge is full of re-growth and lots of wildflowers emerging from the ashes. I plan to visit here every three weeks or so to track growth and see what I believe will be an incredible wildflower display. 

Clockwise: Chlorogalum pomeridianum, Soap Lily, Dudleya spp., Diplacus aurantiacus, Sticky Monkey Flower, Dichelostemma capitatum, Blue Dick. 

The trail winds though a verdant rocky slope studded with young wildflowers awakening to a re-charged environment. 

Clockwise: Quercus douglasii, Blue Oak, Lupinus ssp., Chlorogalum pomeridianum, Soap Lily and Dichelostemma capitatum, Blue Dick young starts, Lewisis rediviva, Cliff-Maids, Baccharis pilularis, Coyote brush re-growth, Achillea millefolium, Yarrow.  
Katherine Novick